Jeff Tan

Hello! I'm a second-year MS in Robotics student at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Deva Ramanan and often collaborating with Prof. Shubham Tulsiani. Previously, I was an undergrad in CS at CMU. I am supported in part by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

I am interested in physical intelligence: building agents that can capture, reason about, and interact with our rich and dynamic 3D world. I am applying for PhD positions this cycle!

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DressRecon: Freeform 4D Human Reconstruction from Monocular Video
Jeff Tan, Donglai Xiang, Shubham Tulsiani, Deva Ramanan, Gengshan Yang
Website | arXiv | Github

From a single monocular video, we reconstruct humans in loose clothing and interacting with objects, using a hierarchical deformation field and image-based priors.

Distilling Neural Fields for Real-Time Articulated Shape Reconstruction
Jeff Tan, Gengshan Yang, Deva Ramanan
CVPR 2023
Website | Paper | Github

We learn real-time feed-forward pose and shape predictors, by distilling knowledge from offline differentiable rendering optimizers.


Gengshan Yang, Jeff Tan, Alex Lyons, Neehar Peri, Deva Ramanan
Website | Github

A Python library for 4D reconstruction from videos.

Natural Dexterous Piano Playing at Scale With Video Hand Priors
Jeff Tan, Yuanhao Wang, Haoyang He

We control dexterous simulated robot hands to play piano, using Internet videos of human pianist demonstrations.

Cleaning Casually Captured Splatting Scenes with Diffusion Priors
Jeff Tan, Bhuvan Jhamb, Joel Julin, Roshan Roy

We fine-tune image-conditioned diffusion models to simultaneously remove ghostly artifacts and infill plausible geometry at novel views.

Dirt Renderer
Jeff Tan

A physics-based renderer for photorealistic images that supports Monte Carlo path tracing with physically realistic materials, bidirectional path tracing, and volume rendering.

CMU SCS Logo Teaching Assistant, Physics-Based Rendering (15-468): S23, S24
Teaching Assistant, Parallel Computation (15-418): F21, S22, S23
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Computer Systems (15-213): F21

Credits to Jon Barron for this website's template.